
Summer 2022 the Tower of London put on a display of wild flowers in the moat called “Superbloom” to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and advertised for volunteers. I signed […]


While all the trustees were in a recent zoom meeting, we were all asked to write a blog on what makes us happy, to be put onto the new website. […]


As current Chair of the Yoga for Health and Education Trust, I have been given the task to write the first ‘live’ blog for our new website. No pressure, then! […]


Winter, the season of cold, damp and dark causes the most difficulty for those whose predominant dosha is Kapha. Although Vata (ether and air) is also affected by the cold, it […]


Autumn can be a time of disturbed Vata as we lose the warmth of summer to the cold of winter whilst still retaining the dryness of the late summer. Dryness […]