My Beautiful Yoga Win Win

While all the trustees were in a recent zoom meeting, we were all asked to write a blog on what makes us happy, to be put onto the new website.

When we were asked, what came to my mind immediately was Yoga. Yoga makes me happy. I always find that I feel relaxed and peaceful after a yoga session. This happens whether I am delivering the session or attending a session taught by someone else. I am continually learning and surprised and rewarded by what the different aspects of yoga bring me.

When I am composing my zoom invites, I always ask the yogis if there is any particular theme or area that they would like me to plan our session around. It always makes me extremely happy when one of the yogis emails or texts me back with a suggestion.

Sometimes it’s a request to work generally, stretching out of a specific area such as shoulders, hips, lower back. A recent example was a yogi who requested to work on relieving tension from the feet and ankles. Another time it could be a request for a guided relaxation or Yoga Nidra.

When I receive a request it makes me think about how to deliver this request into the session. Firstly I go to my yoga books, then my lessons plans. I also research the internet for possible inspiration. All these different resources are available for me to revisit and expand my ideas on how to achieve the outcome within the session.

With the help of the resources, a lesson plan themed to encompass the request appears in my mind, followed by getting a working plan on paper.

I enjoy teaching yoga so much. I always say to my yogis that I think that I get more out from our sessions than they do! I often think to myself how lucky I was many years ago to have found yoga.

As with everything associated with yoga I find myself in the beautiful win win circle.

Jackie Robinson, YHET Trustee

6 thoughts on “My Beautiful Yoga Win Win”

  1. Catherine Brauns says:

    This is such a great blog, as I am typing I am smiling. I don’t think we take enough time out of our busy lives to pause and ask ourselves the question, What makes us happy? As one of Jackie’s yogis and a YHET member I can honestly say yoga does make me happy. Taking the time to pause, re-set and relax with yoga is the best time. Focussing on yourself, your guided practice and being truly in the moment is re-energising. I am so happy I found yoga and I will continue to smile.

  2. Sheila Roche says:

    I’m lucky to have known Jackie for most of my yoga journey of 18 years. Initially we attended the same class which she later took on as teacher. Since then she’s been a constant and supporting teacher and friend. She quickly embrace zoom technology to bring yoga to her class during covid which was so gratefully recieved and it’s still an important part of our week to meet up over zoom for her teaching and amazing relaxations. She always runs over and appologises! But we are all so grateful she does, there is no better way to start or finish the day. Jackie continually tells us she gets more from the sessions than us, I can’t imagine more benifit than I feel after a class. I think we all feed off the positivity of the close yoga class she has created. I will always be grateful for the time and effort she gave helping me restart my yoga practice after surgery earlier this year.

  3. Denise wise says:

    I have been one of Jackie’s yogis for approx 15 years . I only miss a session when I am away and consider Jackie!s sessions as an integral part of my life . I am in no doubt yoga has not only made me more flexible , I am more relaxed and my body shape has changed over the years because of the yoga practice I do . It has generally enhanced my life. Jackie teaches yoga in a very clear way , demonstrating moves and talking you through every practice. She always ends with a meditation / relaxation which is sublime .

  4. Angela Hille says:

    I am a relative newcomer to Jackie’s classes and they are definitely a win-win for me. Just as she describes, Jackie plans every session thoroughly and often introduces new variations, which relax or stretch us just a bit more. Her relaxations are amazing and so important given our hectic lives. Her sessions have also really improved my core strength and I am now a firm believer in the power of slow practice. I feel lucky to have found Jackie’s classes and they are a firm feature of my week.

  5. Margaret Rooney says:

    I had been doing yoga on and off over the years (more off than on as it happens) but thanks to Jackie and the lovely group she has created I can now call myself a regular and constant practitioner. A compassionate and very giving instructor, generous with both her time and knowledge (which she is constantly topping up) Jackie has managed to keep us, her ‘Yoga Bunnies’, not only happy, but flexible and healthy too. It would have been easy for me to drop out after hip replacement surgery a couple of years ago but it was Jackie who did not let that happen. I think it’s safe for me to say that we are all in a win win with both Jackie and yoga. Long may it continue.

  6. Lovely Yogis thank you all so much for your kind thoughts and words in response to my blog. I enjoy our sessions so much and I am very grateful to all of you for your continuing support of my sessions.

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