Transform Stress and Anxiety: Bhramara Mudra (the Bee)

This mudra is effective for allergies and respiratory diseases like bronchitis and asthma. It helps strengthen the immune system and eases congestion in the lungs and respiratory system. Allergies occur when the immune system is weakened and/or the intestinal flora is imbalanced which can also be caused by antibiotics and other drugs.
Scientifically this mudra can also help manage stress and anxiety moving from the autonomic nervous system (nervous system of action) to the parasympathetic nervous system (nervous system of relaxation).
It can be combined with asana practice such as meditation asana, tadasana, malasana, matsyasana, hunumanasana, reverse prayer, padmasana, siddhasana, swastikasana and vajrasana.
It can be done whilst practising the Bhramari breath (bumblebee breath).

- Sit in a comfortable position and place your hands on your thighs with your palms facing upwards.
- In both hands bend your index fingers and gently place them touching the dip/fold between your thumb and index finger without any pressure. Then place the tip of your thumbs on the sides of your middle finger nails. The ring and little fingers are extended.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths then take your awareness to your breathing process and observe it without changing it.
- Let thoughts come and go without focusing on them. Some suggest keeping your mind on the Om.
Practise Time:
Gertrude Hirschi suggests practising 4 times a day for 7 minutes or if you have more time up to 8 times a day for 20 minutes each.
Others suggest practice for 15 minutes every day or for 5-6 minutes 3 times a day.
Note: Pressure from the index finger in the fold between it and the thumb means your mind is restless and the mudra will not work.
June Skeggs, YHET Trustee