Eastern Energy Inspirations for our Hearts, Minds & Bodies
I last wrote embracing Winter, the dancing change of the seasons providing a reassuring rhythm to life. For me, mind, body and spirit are inextricably linked – and we are truly nourished by connecting to the seasonal energies. The green Wood energy of Spring, has burst forth out of the earth since then. Dormant, latent power, unstoppable force sprouting pushes past immovable objects – meeting the light and emerging warmth. We all feel it, that lightening of spirit, of “spring in our step”. Our energy meridians of Liver and Gallbladder zing with building momentum. Determination, clarity of thought, direction drive us. Yoga poses with side-bends, wide-leg stretches, twists support this springtime vitality.
Now we are moving into the Fire season of Summer. The exuberance of the blossoming flower, the delight in the ephemeral glories of sun and warmth. Colours and shapes burn bright in our gardens and parks. Our “Shen” – that spark of divine starlight spirit that entered our hearts at our creation – rejoices in the Summer. The Heart and Small Intestine energy meridians flow. Yoga practices that support us are heart-opening, expansive, warming, joyful. Turning our faces upwards, laughing, opening our arms wide, and lifting heart spaces to the heavens – what better.
Joy is truly only ever in this moment ~ as precious as a midsummer butterfly fluttering in the sunlight – and as fragile if we hold it too hard. Mindfully finding our pause – breathwork and meditative practice can anchor us, keeping us centred amidst the rush of time, seasons, weather, busyness, emotions. Life is a tapestry of joy, sadness, delight and grief.
The seasons remind us to “hold all lightly”, and trust that change will always happen. The Bhagavad Gita encourages us to “let go of the fruits of our labour” – rather easier said than done, but very wise! I believe whether people come to yoga for movement, strength, flexibility; or actively seeking self-study, peacefulness or clarity; yoga has the potential to expand, integrate and offer true mind-body-spirit connection. The body deserves and needs activity, enjoys stretching and moving. Moving our body in yoga, with mindfulness and breathwork, will deeply affect our hearts and minds – whether this was our intention or not!
Compassionately treating our minds to calm, clarity and peace – will pour goodness into our bodies, our immune systems and energy tanks. Yoga’s magic is in its ability to meet people where they are, and offer gentle but amazing transformation.
How fabulous!
About Sue
Over this year, after the ebb and flow of 35 years yoga practice, I have been blessed to be part of a yoga teacher training course, weaving my Western medical and Chinese medicine knowledge, with Yoga’s wisdom and depth. It has been a personal pilgrimage, far beyond what I had envisaged at the beginning. I am excited and awed in equal measure by the path as it unfolds. That surrender of attachment to results is a life’s work … but am still hoping the universe has a place for me ahead in sharing wellbeing and yoga!
Sue Eddy, YHET Patron
….. and the more we “go with the flow” the more interesting the different pathways that present become!!!
( in my humble experience ) xxx